
多样性、公平和包容是皇冠体育app的宗旨和工作核心. We are committed to ensuring that all students feel empowered to thrive and that all races, 种族, 宗教, 性取向, 性别认同受到尊重和重视.

Nightingale’s ongoing commitment to educate the minds and hearts of all who walk through our blue doors is key to developing critical thinkers and compassionate citizens. 我们的工作是一个终身的承诺,培养一个支持, anti-racist community where all current and future generations of students are celebrated and affirmed. 我们正在共同加强我们的工作和对皇冠体育app第二个世纪的影响.



皇冠体育app的多样性, 股本, 包容性工作由学校负责多样性和公平的副校长领导, Johara希利, 还有一组部门协调员, all of whom guide members of the Nightingale community into a clearer understanding of each of our roles in the work of 股本 and justice. Ms. Sealy collaborates with three divisional 股本 coordinators: 梅根·韦斯特曼 (较低的学校 Librarian) in the 较低的学校, Zahra Ruffin(中学助理)在中学, 高中的Ladane du Boulay(现代语言学院).

DEI团队坚信,推进公平工作, 在蓝色的门里面和外面, 是共同的责任和一生的旅程吗. 从自我反省开始,强调社区关怀, the 股本 coordinators work within their respective divisions to cultivate and sustain an inclusive, 有意的, 公平的社区. 与学校负责多样性和公平的副校长合作, the coordinators offer an 股本-centered perspective on all aspects of programming designed to empower members of the community in joyful learning, 批判性思维, 个人代理. 他们的工作包括构建编程, 课程开发, 为学生和专业社区成员提供办公时间, 支持学生主导的倡议,如包容性板和亲和力空间, 通过领导和指导,努力实现专业的社区责任.

“作为一个团队, we hold the following values as core to our mission and vision as an institution: difference as a source of strength and means of growth, 提升和赋予学生发言权, 以及为了所有人的福祉而追求公平. 我们相信建立一个让学生, 专业社区成员, 家庭可以保持原样, 而不妥协. 我们相信让学生分享他们的经历,对权力说真话. 我们致力于提升她们的声音,让她们的声音集中在一起. 我们致力于创建一个所有人都能看到的社区, 听到, 有价值的, 并被赋予独特的途径去超越. We believe that in doing so, we work to advance justice both within and outside of the schoolhouse.”

“我们致力于创建一个人人可见的社区, 听到, 有价值的, 并被赋予独特的途径去超越."



As we continue to answer Nightingale’s second century call to 构建 a more inclusive learning environment, we are taking a comprehensive approach to ensuring that each student is confident that they belong. 我们的工作是根据我们的社区和领先的多样性专家的意见, 股本, 包容, 教育, 以及恢复性实践.


皇冠app安卓下载安装, 我们正在不断评估我们的政策, 程序, 确保校舍是一个真正反种族主义的空间. 我们正在积极聘请多元化方面的专家, 股本, 包括推荐课程更新, 提高招聘的多样性, provide faculty with resources to deepen their knowledge of 股本 literacy and strengthen belonging with inclusive programming and affinity groups for students and alumnae. 成功将继续需要我们社区所有成员的反馈和参与. 一起,我们将达到更高的境界.


We believe that a curriculum that is reflective of the world we live in is integral to educating the next generation of critical thinkers and compassionate changemakers. 每年, our department heads conduct a deep dive into our pedagogy and curriculum to develop more culturally competent lessons. Coursework throughout the Schoolhouse will be updated to explore the lived experiences of people of color through a holistic lens to disrupt notions that any one experience is monolithic. Faculty are introducing more works by people of color while ensuring that these works are normalized, 非标记化的, 在课程范围内. Our grading practices undergo periodic review to promote 股本 and to allow for risk-taking by students without penalty.


We are committed to ensuring that our faculty reflect the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the students they teach. 我们对反种族主义的承诺包含在所有招聘和录取材料中, 包括所有与我们雇佣的人签订的合同. 帮助招聘更多元化和更具代表性的教职员工, Nightingale partners with historically Black colleges and universities and organizations that specialize in employee diversity. 所有新入职的教员都要与学生雇佣委员会见面, 由同学和乔哈拉·西利投票选出的学生组成, 我们负责多元化和公平的副校长, 这是标准面试程序的一部分.


我们希望皇冠体育app社区的每一位成员都能感到受欢迎和被赋予权力. 以确保我们的创作经久不衰, 可持续的变化, Nightingale has conducted a climate survey and is incorporating best practices from other 教育al institutions with strong records of inclusivity and 股本. We are creating an independent bias incident protocol to ensure that students can comfortably report micro-aggressions or racist behavior that will be addressed transparently. The student handbook has been amended to include more explicit protections for students and to reflect our absolute intolerance for racism, 歧视, 和micro-aggressions. 皇冠体育app社区的参与对这项工作至关重要, 我们继续更新我们的学生, 家庭, 教师和校友定期.



皇冠app安卓下载安装, 我们相信多元化的核心原则, 股本, and Inclusion are foundational values that should be built upon throughout our students’ entire 教育al experience with our community.


早在幼儿园, we are dedicated to ensuring that we educate even our youngest minds and hearts on the importance of embracing and celebrating the diversity of cultures, 语言, 以及我们整个社区和世界的身份认同.



As students navigate their own identities and learn more about the cultures and experiences of their classmates, 我们认为为表达提供出口是很重要的, 探索, 以及对彼此历史和遗产的欣赏.



As we prepare our older students to lead at Nightingale and after they walk out of our blue doors, we are dedicated to providing opportunities and responsibilities for critical engagement around topics of race, 股本, 以及社会正义,让我们的学生成为社会变革的催化剂. 以下资源和倡议旨在支持这些对话:




Our 家庭 are imperative in our work to create an anti-racist environment at Nightingale, 在学习中, 并在国内加强我们在文化能力和反种族主义方面的经验教训. The following groups and resources present opportunities for our parents to engage more deeply in this work.

  • 家长协会DEI培训

    Members of our Parents Association attend diversity training to help parent volunteers engage in conversations about the effects of unconscious biases to better understand, 构建, 并在我们的社区中保持牢固的关系.

  • 有色人种女儿的父母(PODOC)

    PODOC is committed to creating a safe and open space for all parents who identify as having daughters of color. 透过团契建立社群, 分享共同经验, 并制定策略来支持女儿的社交活动, 情感, 以及学术之旅, parents endeavor to find positive ways to ensure that their daughters are socially and academically successful during and beyond their Nightingale experience.

  • 家长讲座系列 & Diversiteas

    These series present opportunities for parents to engage in and enhance their own learning around issues that affect the social, 情感, 以及他们孩子的学业努力.

  • 埃里卡·哈格曼·罗宾逊陛下基金

    埃里卡·哈格曼·罗宾逊陛下基金 is dedicated to supporting and strengthening the school's diversity, 股本, 以及包容性倡议. 这个基金, 由于校友的参与而创建, 是为了纪念艾丽卡·哈格曼·罗宾逊而命名的, 他是1965年皇冠体育app大学的第一位黑人学生.

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